Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why do they have to destroy the soap!!!!

I don't know about yours but when my kids shower they love to play with the soap. They squish it, and chisel it out with their finger nails as if it was some sort of carving competition.  Once the kids go to bed then its time for Mama to have her shower in peace, and I actually look forward to this. That is until I step in the shower on all those little pieces of soap that coat the shower floor make it very hard for my soft little feet to grip the floor.  Now we have a small cubical shower so this is to our advantage at this point because at least we have a wall to hit and hold us upright somewhat. Imagine the damage to the back of our heads if it was a regular tub!!! "There is no great loss without some small gain" is my favorite quote and it plays true to this!  So my solution to this ridiculous problem, make kids sized soap!!!! So here is what you need......

1. 2 "guilty of carving" children

2. soap moulds, brick of shea butter soap, colouring and essential oils( see jar of melted soap above)

3. pour into soap moulds and let cool

 4. while cooling prepare the carvers some lunch to help kill time (and allow me to sit on computer/facebook and drink coffee). Isn't that what all stay at home moms do?? I'm just trying to fit in here.

5. Remove soap from moulds and dream about how its going to feel stepping into a safe shower after the kids have been in there.

This is kids safety soap!

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful. I really love the vivid colors. I am sure your kids are going to love them.
