Saturday, June 25, 2011

Who doesn't love a green smoothie?

The kids have been battling a virus of some sort these last few days.  Ashton ended up with a ear infection and Sierra has had a low grade fever and a bit of a sore gland in her neck.  Now I'm getting the cold and to try help boost our immune systems, I made a batch of green smoothie!!! 

We loaded in our ingredients

~blueberries (buried at the bottom)
~frozen banana
~fresh kale (picked 5 minutes before in the rain)
~green food powder for an extra boost

blend it all up and done!!!!

Even Hudson slurped his!!!!  He wanted more!!!

1 comment:

  1. My kids love green smoothies. Haven't tried it yet with Sienna, but will soon. I love the pic of Hudson enjoying it.
