Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This is going to be a trip!!!

    So I have decided to blog again but I really want to just share our some daily happenings in our home so that you may have a good laugh and to remind me of these good times even on the hard days. 

    Right now we are really trying to focus on eating healthier as I want to teach the kids good healthy eating habits and it also helps keep me on track!!  Mother Nature and I are playing Tug of War and I'm winning!! She is trying to pull me to the unhealthy side and I'm using all my mental power to reach the "holy hannah that is one fit hot mama" side.  Cross your fingers that I make it.  So be prepared to see meals that we have!

Yesterdays lunch was very yummy!!! I'm so thankful to have kids that love to eat raw veggies!!! Because man can we grow veggies here!!!!!!

*low fat cottage cheese
*multi grain bread with cream cheese
*salad(right from our garden!!) topped with whole wheat pasta
*small dish of raw pumpkin seeds

My monkey's gobbled this up in no time!!!!!

Yesterday for Ashtons schoolwork we dug in the compost and picked out the best worms! Ok we picked out every one we saw, no worms was passed by.  We are making a worm farm!!! I want Ashton to be able to see the worms tunneling around in there so today is assembly day!!! It also teaches him worm composting as we need to feed the worms our food scraps!  We lived on acreage when I was growing up so this stuff is all to normal for me and I love it!!!!  I want my children to know about the world through trying and seeing, not just reading about it.

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