Saturday, June 11, 2011

Begining of the Weekend!!!!!

Yesterday I spent the day going through all the cupboards and getting rid of anything that is not "Celiac friendly" and ended up giving away 4 boxes of food!!  What a mess this kitchen was!!!!  So after I cleaned up the mess it was time for our beloved hockey team to win the 4th game of the Stanley Cup!!!! I decided to make ................................................. Sushi!!!!

Now I have never made sushi before and its new to me that Brett even likes it. Now I'm not a true sushi lover, I only eat the veggie rolls! hehe  but either way I was making them!! It was quite messy for a newbie but none the less it turned out pretty good.

an inside out veggie roll with cucumber, carrot and avocado inside!!! mmmmmmmmm

My sister brought some as well so we had a bit of everything. minus the fishy ones!

    And of course the Canucks won the game!!!!!  Wooo hoooooo!!!

And here is a quick look at breakfast in our house!  I cannot pick up Ashtons bread order until Tuesday so no bread for him until then.  But he had a yummy gluten free breaky all the same.

Well off to Ayla's first birthday party!!!!!!!

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