Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hives, gluten free and garden harvest!

So here we are again with our mysterious hives on Ashton. The poor guy. They are huge, they are itchy and they are hot. I wonder how many years we will deal with these before we really find out whats wrong or what is causing them.

and they have gotten even bigger since this picture. Today though they seem to be going down. No we do NOT give him benedryl!! The last time Ashton had benedryl he was up and running for 22hours!!!!!!! I am no spring chicken anymore, I cannot keep up to that! So for now he will only get the benedryl cream!

We have also been having some great gluten free meals and of course some not so great ones! But I will share a few good ones from the last couple days.

~gluten free waffles cut into hearts and flowers drizzled in maple agave nectar.
~organic strawberries with gluten free yogurt to dip!

~ organic strawberries
~gluten free bread with jam
~organic banana with natural peanut butter
~organic gluten free yogurt

My lettuce garden is producing ridiculous amounts so I had to go out yesterday to harvest some. Needless to say both of my big sis's got a bag of lettuce, spinach and chard!!!! And thank god my kids love to eat salad because its gluten free and we have alot of it!!

Well off to feed and school my little ones before we head to the zoo!

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