Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ashton's bitter sweet day.

So today was Ashton's follow up at the doctor. I was a bit surprised at the results of his blood work but at the same time relieved to have an answer to the years of ongoing health problems.  Ashton has Celiac Disease.  I'm happy, I'm sad.  We can help him now but at the same time he will have to live with this his entire life. 

    We begin with emptying the house of non gluten free items. The whole house will be GF(gluten free) so that he cannot sneak the forbidden items and to keep it fair to him.  So my sisters are about to get some free food!!!  I am a little known for my extensive pantry stash!(blush)   Next Ashton will be having a bowel biopsy at Children's Hospital which he is nervous about and has a ton of questions. Poor little dude.

So here we embark on a new way of life!! I will need to sharpen up my cooking skills, and learn how to convert our family faves to GF.  So friends, let this be a warning that when you come to our house for dinner, it will be GF!!!

We ended this day with a trip to the zoo!! Auntie Debbie came with us and we had dinner among the animals which was great fun!!! A very yummy garden salad with blueberries,strawberries and raspberries for dessert! Hudson had apples n apricots and prunes!! mmmmmm!

 I got a shot of a mama monkey nursing her twin babies!! ok toddlers. They were toddlers.  I wanted today to end on a positive note for Ashton's sake though he doesn't understand exactly what he has yet. I love that boy!

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