Friday, May 18, 2012

My name is Sandra and I am a germaphob.

For those unfortunate enough to have been around me for very long, know that I am a germaphob.  Its not a secret and I can openly admit it.  I get very annoyed when people let their sick kids go to school. I just cant understand it!! When the parent is sick they use that as an excuse to do very little housework or they call in sick to work. Uh how about your kids!!!!!  Now a cold isn't such a huge deal to me though I don't like my kids having colds because the snot and whining is almost unbearable and then it turns into a man cold for daddy.  On of my hugest fears in life is the pukey flu!!!!!!!!  It seriously scares me and when I think we have been around someone that has or has just had it I start to panic. Literally.  I feel my heart start beating fast and I lose all appetite. I start filling the kitchen sink with vinegar, lemon, lavendar, and any other germ killing thing I can get my hands on.  I frantically start washing door handles, walls, cups, bathroom and any other surface the kids might touch!!! Honestly, its that bad. Brett laughs and shakes his head. So I am reading this blog post about how to PREVENT the tummy bug and we are going to try it!! I mean what can it hurt to try right? I love real grape juice so this shouldn't be to hard!!!!  When the kids go back to school in September you can bet they will be having this for breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This is what we started with.  I sure hope this works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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