Friday, August 5, 2011

Feather pillows, who would have thought!

About 15years ago after my car accident I remember my physio therapist telling me that the best pillows were feather pillows so that they could form under my neck better.  So I listen to her so that I don't get raging headaches due to bad pillow form and turn into a lunatic and even make sure my family has nice "soft and good for the neck", feather pillows. I mean after all a mother will do anything for her children right?  The first to complain was Brett, the feathers kept poking him in the face  (insert rolling eyes here) so I had to go buy him a poly fill pillow before a feather popped him in the eye and blinded him forever.

One day I go to clean under Ashtons bed and I am startled!!! How the heck did a dead chicken get under his bed!!!!!!!! I then look closer and realize its a pile of feathers from the pillow!!!

Me: "how did those get there?"
Ashton; "I picked them out"
Me: (in my head)"no friggin kidding!"  out loud; "yes i see that but why?"
Ashton; "they bug me and poke my face"

Now either he is a chip off the ole block or these feathers are getting violent. I'm actually starting to get scared!! What will they do next!!!!!!!!  

Really in my head I'm thinking "how friggin long did it take to pull those all out one by one???  Seriously I wanna know because I don't remember any one time, him sitting in his room quietly picking feathers!!!!!!

And i know your thinking, surely this cant be, but i swear its true. So true that it is picture worthy!! I had to take some for medical insurance purposes.

Now remember, this isn't really a chicken under here!

and it goes the whole length of his bed!!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why hello sun!

Today the sun finally decided to show up and join us for the summer season. I was almost about to do a craft project with the kids, making paper masks so that we could do a sun god dance in hopes that mother nature would be impressed and let the sun come out!  After a jump on the trampoline with the sprinkler under it, it was time for lunch. Yes you read that right, we turned out sprinkler on despite the water restrictions. Hey its our well if we are dumb enough to let it run dry then feel free to point and laugh at us! 

today we had yummy summer foods!! Ashton had pitted cherries with his.

~dill dip
~organic carrots
~gluten free pretzels
~pitted cherries!

Sierra preferred our garden blueberries in place of cherries.

Hudson liked both blueberries and cherries!!!

After all the blueberries and cherries were devoured, and the Greek yogurt was eaten Hudson had a Popsicle made from "naked" juice and he loved it!!!!! It contained carrot, pear, orange, beet, apple, berry, and kale juices.

The bigger kids were allowed to have a gluten free ice cream cone!!! Can you guess what flavour????

if you guessed chocolate your wrong!!!!!  Its a homemade recipe of vitamin packed foods!!! milk, beets, chicken, honey etc.  No , just kidding, its totally chocolate!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

This mama will self destruct in 2 minutes. Stick around for the fun!

We are back from our holiday now and I hope I don't have to do that drive again with 3 kids any time soon.  I mean honestly a person can only listen to whining, fighting, "i have to pee" "when are we gonna be there" "are we almost to the ferry?" before you starting thinking up ways to jump off the ferry when you finally do arrive and make it so they cannot rescue you with the high speed zodiac life boat and hope that some other fishing boat will come along.  Of course now that we are home its  back to the usual grind.  This meant baby food needed to be made again so we did that first!

~sweet potato's

of course i had to add some kale to it!

Ashton had a great time peeling garlic for me while I put it through the food processor and made our own minced garlic.  I put it into baby food jars and into the freezer and one in the fridge!

On a fun note, my dear husband Brett somehow sensed a complete mental break down coming on for me ( see above comments about driving with 3 kids), which he probably believes to be dangerous to his health, gave me the go ahead to purchase a "new to me" pottery wheel!!  I have wanted one of these most of my life!! Seriously, you can ask my parents, every Christmas and birthday I would ask for one not knowing how expensive they are. It was less then 24hours before I had that little lady whirling!  Here are a few little things I have made in the last 2 days.

And this one from today

The bottoms are trimmed after the air drying process and did you spy that beautiful creation in the background!!!!! 
I cant wait for this to become relaxing!!!! Because it is not as easy as it looks and lucky for my man he doesn't have a car in the garage right now because I make decorate it with blobs of clay from Mother Earth as I throw it across the room because it is not doing what I want it to. Again, I cannot wait for this to get relaxing!  And because I was  so relaxed after my second bowl attempt, I put on some laundry and failed to noticed the amount of soap I put in!!!  heheheh opps!

Yup! the towels are clean honey!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Here I sit listening to the crackling fire that is warming my back and drying my jacket the hangs on the chair, sipping my hot coffee as the rain pounds down on the sky lights. A dense fog hangs over the water on the ocean out the window and I think "how peaceful is this!"  I hear "boom boom boom" and think thunder storm!!!! Awesome!!!!!! Crash bang a scream of "Ashton don't!!" Wait....... what the? I am instantly snapped back into reality.  The older two are fighting again which wakes the baby, who begins to cry. In an attempt to settle baby, calm kids and bring my blood pressure down,  the fire dies(because I am out of practice much to the shame of my piro father I'm sure).  ahhhhh.... holidays. One day I will look back on all of this and laugh. Right???

This morning it was low tide at 8:30am so we headed down to the beach to check out the starfish! We found some great ones and Ashton loved holding the little one but said the big one felt to sharp! lol ! This kind is one of my favorite kind!

Yesterday we hiked out to Bere Point to see if the orcas were still there. They like to rub up on the rocks there which is pretty cool!

In the end the orcas were not there! lol

Monday, July 4, 2011

Life's a beach! and some goji power!!!

Yesterday after I had some non kid time getting my hair did, we decided it would be nice to go for a drive to the local (OK 45min drive) lake and let the kids play and enjoy some family time.  I packed up some snacks and drinks and off we went. Hudson's first time at the beach!! There was so much for him to see it was fantastic!!

Sierra had never been to the lake before so she was quite happy to dig and dance in the water!!!!

Ashton tried to dig a pool but soon gave up.  That didn't stop him from having a ton of fun though!!!

Notice the snow on the mountains in the background!

Today we brought daddy lunch to work and hit up the Nature's Market. Once home it was smoothie time!!! But first we made some goji berry powder to put in our smoothie!  Very simple:

Put some goji berries into a coffee grinder and then you have goji powder!!! A super fruit!!!

I love to add some juice to my smoothies sometimes and we love this one!!!! By itself or in a smoothie, its delicious!!!! Our Nature's Market had them on sale the other day so I picked up a bunch!!!

Smoothie time!  Blueberries, raspberries, banana, kale, goji powder, and Happy Planet juice!!!!

Enjoyed by all my munchkins!!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!!

Yesterday was Canada Day and we spent the day together as a family taking in all the festivities.  The morning started with Bobs & Lolo show for Sierra while Ashton worked the booth of his Taekwondo school. He did so great with approaching people and asking them to enter the draw because if you know Ashton before you remember how painfully shy he used to be!

Sierra and I at Bobs & Lolo. She was very nervous with so many people around.

Here's what Hudson thought of the show.

We also let the kids on some ride and such and I think they had a lot of fun!!! Ashton did some bull riding and fell off a few times but got up and got right back on!!!

Daddy did a great job of sitting through Bobs & Lolo. ( I think he secretly loved it! hehe)

We went shopping afterwards and came home and made some yummy GF nachos with ground turkey! It was so delicious!!!  Around 9pm we packed up and went to the fireworks!! We played a few more things before we went and found a spot!

We saw a Hudsyasaurous!!!

And the final picture of the night was of the fireworks!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Timmie's kinda day!

Today I had to drag the kids around to renew my van insurance. Yes I now drive a mini van and I know I said I hated them, when baby number 3 was coming it was a must and I'm OK with that. Besides, its the driver that makes it cool right??  Anyhow, we went to the Dollarama afterwards and picked up a few things for Canada Day, and on the way home I decided to spoil myself with a XL Tim Horton's English Toffee since it has been so long since I have had one. (Sorry Keurig, i cheated on you).

As always by the time we get home the kids are almost starved to death and can barely walk.  Am I wrong to assume that they can go 1.5hours in between feedings? I mean the 7 1/2 month old baby can. So I dragged out the section plates and started to prepare. First things first, a yummy smoothie!! Ashton picked strawberries from the garden and washed and put them in the blender.

~vanilla yogurt
~blueberries(frozen from last years garden)
~raspberries ( frozen from last years garden)
~frozen banana( frozen from last years garden) OK maybe not
~green food powder

I'm really trying to focus on the kid's health I love that they are willing to try most things and even more so if you make it fun. Today we had foods I already know they like so I just made it a little bit more fun to eat and considering how malnourished they were from going 1.5hours without eating, I had make sure it was filling.

~Gluten free waffles
~cucumbers cut all "wibbly wobbly" as the kids say.
~star cut watermelon!!
~and don't forget the dill dip! perfect for waffles.(not kidding, Sierra used hers all on the waffle none on the cucumber!!!)

Sir Ashton enjoying his lunch while watching the clouds roll by out the window and the birds eating at the feeder.  Well maybe just eating and nothing else. (shrug)

Little Miss Sierra dipping her waffle in dill dip!

Lil Tank loves him some watermelon!

I think chocolate power balls is going to be in the making tonight!! Mama is craving chocolate!!!!!

And to add, a little kiss to the baby bunny we tried to rescue and didnt make it. RIP little bun bun!!