Friday, July 15, 2011

Here I sit listening to the crackling fire that is warming my back and drying my jacket the hangs on the chair, sipping my hot coffee as the rain pounds down on the sky lights. A dense fog hangs over the water on the ocean out the window and I think "how peaceful is this!"  I hear "boom boom boom" and think thunder storm!!!! Awesome!!!!!! Crash bang a scream of "Ashton don't!!" Wait....... what the? I am instantly snapped back into reality.  The older two are fighting again which wakes the baby, who begins to cry. In an attempt to settle baby, calm kids and bring my blood pressure down,  the fire dies(because I am out of practice much to the shame of my piro father I'm sure).  ahhhhh.... holidays. One day I will look back on all of this and laugh. Right???

This morning it was low tide at 8:30am so we headed down to the beach to check out the starfish! We found some great ones and Ashton loved holding the little one but said the big one felt to sharp! lol ! This kind is one of my favorite kind!

Yesterday we hiked out to Bere Point to see if the orcas were still there. They like to rub up on the rocks there which is pretty cool!

In the end the orcas were not there! lol

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